Monday, September 26, 2011

Disney Princess Special Edition Sing Along Boom Box - Ariel

!9# Disney Princess Special Edition Sing Along Boom Box - Ariel

Brand : Creative Designs, Inc.
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Post Date : Sep 26, 2011 15:19:29
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Sing along with many of your favorite Disney songs with Ariel's Special Edition Sing Along Boom Box. Included are three mini "play" CDs and a microphone so your little princess can sing along to her favorite songs. Songs include "Under the Sea," "Be Our Guest and "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" along with bonus tracks on each "play" cd. Requires 3 "AA" batteries, included. Ages 3+

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Amateur Fight Night Dallas - Texas unmeasured

!9# Amateur Fight Night Dallas - Texas unmeasured

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It 'been a neighbor, if the fighters were more hostile in the ring or the spectators around the beer tents.

I was alone at night in Dallas, but when you look in the morning to visit the art galleries and the JFK Museum (housed in the old School Book Depository building), I heard that this is quite enough time in the city.

I was very pleased with the suggestion of my host in Dallas (Jennifer), we go to an amateur boxing contestplace in the neighboring country clubs.

He told me that her friend would, Kyle, one of the boxers who fight in the late evening it was. Since it was an amateur event, has added a little 'more thrust would fight for each to be added to provide additional entertainment for the public.

Kyle was in the vicinity of New York, for the purposes of this fight, he should be called as a Yankee. It 'was matched against a local man known in Texas as being from the South. The historicTo be rivalry between Northern and Southern State, the contest extra spice.

I was struck by the fact that it was a decidedly one-sided arrangement. I expected the home-grown audience completely hand - and booed the Yankees suspected that this would be booed at every opportunity.

We arrived at the Country Club shortly before seven o'clock in the evening clock. The club was in a suburb of Dallas rich enough, and had swimming pools and sports fields onsite.

A little 'in contrast with this more formal and exclusive atmosphere was very relaxed dress code. Most men wore shorts and t-shirt (with many bizarre comments or colored drawings). The women were fewer in number - but offset by wearing flashy clothes - tight jeans cut dresses and bikinis. Several members of both sexes also sported several tattoos on his arms, shoulders and legs.

There were a few hundredPeople who are already in the country club, when we arrived. He promised to be present in abundance - After checking my identity, I was a writstband to prove that I was good to be served with alcohol since.

A makeshift boxing ring rose on the lawn of the Country Club there was a small stage on the opposite side of the ring, where several commentators were seated. The event was one of the cable channels, so there were a few men standing at the cornersKeep the cameras to film - during a huge boom over the ring wearing a different camera and microphone reached.

The evening was sponsored by the Crown, there were numerous stalls selling beer on the lawn to be set. This may be purchased by the person or the drinker more determined, it was possible for an ice bucket with a half dozen or buy as filled cans, cooled.

Flags and colorful banners are hung among the sponsors of the trees orDraped around the fence that separated the lawn from the pool. For the atmosphere, several speakers were great electronic states around the country club, which was pumping out loud and continuous beat-heavy rock to set an appropriate environment aggressive.

One of the earlier fighting was already underway when we arrived. As an amateur competition, were all boxers must wear a helmet stuffed. Been beyond the round seemed to beshortened. It 'was difficult to determine exactly how long the tour was intended to be, because the bell was almost imperceptible, and some' arbitrary. Each fight consists of three rounds of this.

To cope well with the punch, each fighter with the onslaught of sarcasm has been affected by the commentators. They held a non-stop jokes during the whole meeting, usually denigrate the ability of the two boxers. One of the commentators was the man with the nicknameLaughing like a telephone. And before you speak, he would always hoarse laughter - the ring tone mimics a regular phone.

In between rounds, young women wearing bikinis would parade around the ring, wearing a placard with the number of the next round on one side and the name of a local sponsor on the opposite side.

This ritual has caused great excitement among the crowd, and shouts of "Get that off the top" were on the agenda. At some point in the evening, one ofCommentators of the microphone could not last longer, and cried: "Oh, come on, someone could not pull her panties down a little 'when he walks past"

At the end of each fight, some girls took the ring and threw it in the legal aid material barking masses of spectators. These were generally of T-shirts, towels or hats. This was also a popular activity, and many of the audience waved his arms enthusiastically clamoring for one of the gifts.

Although later inIn the evening, when the beer and boredom had more space used, many of these articles have been back in the ring, with the enthusiasm as well as launched at first received.

When I received the ring, I saw that the fighters were between rounds and the commentators kept on the microphone.

- The boy is sick? He must have taken a real beating. Good job the coach has brought a bucket.

- He is not sick. And 'only he spits water. All Fightersdo. They have not been in a fight before John?

The first fight ended in a KO, and an interviewer, once the ring to talk to each of the boxers. Besides the honor (and presumably the prize) to win the race, it seemed that has been a sort of flat rate system which are carried out by the loser. Initially I thought that this applies to all the fighting - but then realized it was only for this fight.

I hadIdea of ​​how they lose is decided, but it must be something personal for the two men involved are represented. The first punishment for the loser, his opponent was that he had the choice to have breakfast - a mixture of tuna and cheese flavored pretzels together.

For the second phase of the punishment, rose an old Kentucky colonel, complete with cane sugar and white beard, awkward in the ring, asked the fighter losing to bend down, and gave him three or foursymbolic lashes on the buttocks with a stick.

- Wow! It 's like a low-budget gay porn or something.

- I do not know, Mike. I've never seen a low-budget porn movie. Sounds like you an expert though.

The next meeting was between a man with a bright yellow socks and a man in no stockings at all. Started before the first turn, the man was asked without socks, because he wanted the fight that night.

- Well, you know. I just got through a very bad divorce. And ITraining in the gym. But I must finish my aggression somewhere.

After the bell rang, even if weak, had no socks tough fight and landed some punches hard with yellow socks.

- Wow, John! I think it was the socks he was crazy.

- Maybe his wife was wearing yellow socks. So he had a lot of practice there.

- Woah! Nothing like humor domestic violence.

- Yes! This is probably why he wanted a divorce.

Despite a promising openingRound stockings could not (or woman) has not completed its people. It was the first fight since been settled by a contract, I wondered what would happen if the results are inconclusive.

There was nothing more technical as a decision point system. Commentators only express their opinion about who won, but it has remained, so people interested.

So instead of a winner was chosen by popular acclamation. As names of the two boxers were called on the microphone, the audiencewas asked to loudly cheer their favorites. Socks made a little yellow 'Support voice, but by far the biggest applause came without socks. He probably fought better - but I suspect that may have been sympathetic to his problems with his divorce.

- Do not spend all that money at a price, man!

- Hey, Mike. He does not spend that money. His ex-wife to get their hands on everything.

Our friend, the Yankee has no chance, I thought. Unless you can not beat herPeople, there is no way to explain this quantity would be the winner.

The next meeting was much shorter - it ends with a premium at the beginning of the second round. This battle was between a contractor and one of its workers. Instead of resolving their differences in terms of work processes in the courts, have taken the game and the historical tradition more than a duel public. Since both men, however, wore T-shirts of the company, which has been preserved and promoted their companywho won.

The boss was a stocky, heavy, clumsy man - while his opponent was much smaller and leaner. The subtlety of matching fighters on their weights were not clear about the requirements for the rules of Texas.

The boss has won the battle and ended his employees with a blow to the chin at the right time. After landing him unconscious on the canvas, the boss was quick to see that he was good.

- He will not likely that the cost of treatment for the companyInsurance.

- Yeah. Or is trying to avoid a trial.

- Sure. I hope he's going to let the poor guy has the day tomorrow.

- Well, I'm guessing that not much work anyway, if it is in a coma.

The conquered people were brought up and helped from the ring. Enter the next two were pretty thin and frail men with tattoos on both arms, everything. There were two members of the band's music itself - and had decided to fight, because he is always stealing the female groupiesfrom others.

This competition has proven to be very unpopular - since neither musician had a lot of aggression, and both seemed more afraid that he wanted a shot would hit his opponent to the ground. The crowd began to whistle out loud as the pair of shadow boxed carefully around each other - sometimes with a preliminary dig the other side.

- This must be one of the worst fighting in the entire history of the struggle!

- Nah! These guys are not even struggle. I'm just slapping each other with theirBags.

Finally, midway through the second turn, a man fell down. It seemed clear if hit or simply did not want to get more. This is the sad spectacle completed. But despite his victory and the winner has been laughed off the stage.

The master of ceremonies then announced that there was a brief pause before the main event of the evening: the long-awaited battle between the South and the Yankees. This would be an epochal event, it wasrecorded. A chance for history to be revisited - and rewritten.

Waiting to begin the fight, I wandered through the crowd to see what others were presented. It was almost a thousand people present - even if the presenter had to explain this by a factor of twenty, the official attendance list multiplied by 19,000.

Most of the audience were white and male. Even if some blacks were - and some men had their wives or girlfriends also brought.There were a lot of beer out, the bucket with ice scattered on the grass.

The combination of beer and women meant that it was unusual, long queues outside the men's room. This also means that it's fair share of warm comments from the boys expect to be reconciled.

- Hey! Move along. I'm breaking up again.

- Do not be so close dude. I do not think you secretly look at me while I'm doing my work there.

- I think we should, like, just go toLord. Of course I would not mind.

- I would not touch this, the man beer. I think I saw another man inside just pissing.

- Ahh. I needed this. Better than sex, man. Better than sex.

Wear standard was mainly T-shirts and baseball caps - worn on the contrary, many of them. Some, mostly men, blacks were wearing reflective sunglasses. Some cowboy hats were in evidence.

A blond girl with thick legs, wearing a rainbow-colored clothing that says "Keep Austin Weird"written on them. Election of other T-shirts were as follows. A photo of a cow skull on the words "Republic of Texas", "Hike Naked. Bring color to your cheeks", "is that blood?" A picture of a bird with the title "I like my job bombs", "Vicious mercilessly", "Texas Ranger", and a map of Florida, shaped like a gun.

Finally it's time to fight for the Yankees and the south. The South has been received loud and prolonged cheers from the crowd - during the Yankeeswas booed and hissed. The master of ceremonies began to excite the audience with a subsequent interpretation Dixieland.

After the last strains of "I wish I lived in the land of cotton" down in the ring MC Interview Yankees. When he found out he's from Brooklyn, has started talking to him in a fake Italian-American wise-guy banished from the Bronx accent.

- And in the red corner, let me now present in the south. Born here in Texas. The country that Iare still considered as an independent country. I hope you realize, my son, how great expectations of you tonight. Everybody here wants you to change the outcome of the civil war.

But it seemed that the crowd was disappointed, for The Yankees fought hard in the first round is in the south several times on the head, though never actually knocking on the big screen.

- I hate to say it. But I have to give this round of the Yankees. Southerners need to defend themselves.

- L 'Yankee seems to be the fastest man.

- Well, she dances. I have to say about him. But I think, has made the South a chance here.

- Yeah. Why?

- Well. I just realized. The Yankee has a big nose and thick.

- Right. Land some blows of this huge schnoz New York, and it's game over.

And they must defend the South in the second round, beating the Yankees on deck again, and with him against the ropes for an amount up to a couple of occasions. He mustFollowing the advice of the commentator - the break between rounds, a doctor came out of The Yankees, whose nose was now bleeding tendency.

- Ah! That will teach him to keep his ugly north wall above the Mason-Dixon line.

- Yeah. Does not lie with Texas. What is known about states' rights now?

The third followed the pattern on the second. But despite calls by the commentators - "is tired", "is tired", "nothing more" - The Yankees fight hard further.Finally, at the end of the round, which had been hit too, and got a number of ten, he slumped against the ropes.

- They have the history, the son did. They have changed the outcome of the civil war. And Texas is proud of you.

The Yankees had not received medical attention and tried to leave the ring without further comment. Could not escape so easily.

- So, what do you think of the South now?

The Yankees always seemed a bit 'confused andConcussion. The attempt by some composure and is with the crowd again, he could only say: "Well, I love Texas," before the rise of the ring with your doctor.

It was now dark, but fun for the evening was not over yet. Spotlights lit up the stage and big lawn, because the next two fighters were brought into the ring. The spokesman went to one, a tall man in a blue tank top, and asked him why he was there.

- We have friends, since we wereseven.

- Then, why do you want him to fight then?

- Well. He has always been so competitive. But he always beats me to everything. But I think I can beat in the ring.

- So if you're best friends, how many times have you seen his penis?

Tank top seemed uncertain what to say on this issue.

- Hey, it's just a question. No need to be embarrassed. John is at the microphone with me my best friend. And I've seen a thousand times his penis.

HighTank was still silent, the MC went to interview the other corner of his opponent - a wiry little man in a white t-shirt.

- So you're best friends. All I can say about him?

- Yeah. It has a small wiener. Small and type of fat.

- Do you think that is what you have so competitive, in the first place!

Tank top must have irritated by these words, because he came out of the corner vortex his long arms and abysmal distance in the direction of his friend- Although in most cases is nothing more firmly that the air, like his opponent easily dodged his fists rotating.

- He has some real damage with his long arms.

- Right. If you actually hit something with them.

White T-shirt was on the floor once, knocked managed to survive until the end of the round.

With the second round, however, was the great tank top, he began to tire early visible, and his friend to get the upper hand, landing severalBlows to his body in quick succession.

- It 's always throwing punches at those now. It relies on open.

When the round is over, it was great tank top, breathing heavily, bending forward with hands resting on his knees, his breath. Even after the break, was slow to rise from his chair, still panting. After a flurry of punches from White T-shirt, covered and he was afraid to turn his back on his opponent.

- You see, I want to know. Fighting He turned directly to him.

- Must be exactly as seven years back. He is sure to turn in the following.

But the great tank top has given more time on it was stopped for a rest after the fight temporarily, as a white shirt is composed of pink mouth guard knocked. Although barely able to move through the ring, at times, refused to surrender. He survived the last round, but most do not seem to find in his corner, as he put it in the exhaustionring.

The audience was almost equally between those who have accepted White T-shirt as the better fighter, and those who had good high fighting spirit shown tank shared thoughts. After two notices of public acclaim, it was impossible to determine a result. A large part of the audience started to sing "One more round!"

- We are pleased to have another round. And I also know that we like. A look at the big tank there, I think that would be classified as followsCruel and unusual punishment. Obama and we will make it! "

Finally, the result was declared by the referee. He showed no understanding of the large tank-tops, and announced that T-shirt white was the winner.

Other fights were scheduled during the night, but some of our group wanted to go to a local bar with the Yankees defeated pitiful - while others wanted to turn into a bed soon.

When I left there was an ongoing struggle between the American andThe Mexican. The Mexican did not seem very popular with the public - but not so unpopular as a Yankee. The spokesman continued to interview him before the fight began.

- I'm sorry Mr. Mexicans. But I have to ask. There is a new law. What exactly is your state of residence?

The Mexican seemed willing to give any answer to this question, the spokesman went on to another subject.

- So, what is the fight tacticsAmericans?

- It's called the American shield. It means that knock me to have to win. I will never give up. I will never stop.

- So do not let Mexicans. Is this correct? Apart from those who use me to do my garden, eh? I do not know why. Seven dollars an hour seems a just reward for me.

I left before the fight ended, so do not know if American or Mexican has been victorious. The audience was cheering out loud when we went - so I suspect, were clearly enjoying theCompetition.

Amateur Fight Night Dallas - Texas unmeasured

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Saturday, September 17, 2011

IMC Harley Davidson 7 Pin Headset w/ Boom Microphone

!9# IMC Harley Davidson 7 Pin Headset w/ Boom Microphone

Brand : IMC Motorcom | Rate : | Price : $75.00
Post Date : Sep 17, 2011 21:05:28 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The IMC Headset for Full Face Helmets features a two piece cord with everything needed to take advantage of the Intercom/Music system on a Harley Davidson 7 Pin system at an unbeatable price. Simply install the headset into your helmet, plug the DIN connector cord into your bike, and start enjoying your factory system on any adventure you may take. This kit includes a boom microphone for ¾ helmets, although it can be used with full face helmets as well.The rugged coiled connecting cord is designed for years of reliable service. The slim (6mm) speakers offer excellent sound quality and are easy to install. The special low-noise dynamic microphone will make this a must-have for your next trip. Get the best stereo headset and microphone combo with an industry leading 2 year warranty.

  • Number 1 selling helmet headset in Europe. Designed in Germany
  • Plugs into 7 Pin System on Harley Davidson Ultra Classic with Built in Comm System
  • Installs in seconds. 2 Piece cord allows for quick disconnects.
  • Speakers provide excellent sound and no helmet modifications.
  • 2 Year Manufacturers Warranty

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rode VideoMic Directional Video Condenser Microphone w/Mount

!9# Rode VideoMic Directional Video Condenser Microphone w/Mount

Rate : | Price : $144.99 | Post Date : Sep 12, 2011 00:02:25
Usually ships in 24 hours

The RODE VideoMic is a professional grade shotgun microphone. Based on the latest Film industry technology, the VideoMic is designed specifically for use with high quality digital video cameras. The microphone exhibits low noise and an unusually wide bandwidth for its size. It is ultra lightweight, yet rugged due to it's ABS construction. The VideoMic is powered by a standard 9 V battery (sold separately) and offers a low battery LED status indicator and a switchable high pass filter to reduce unwanted low frequency rumble. The VideoMic attaches to any camcorder that has the standard camera-shoe fitting and utilizes a stereo mini jack for audio output. RODE VideoMic Shotgun Microphone Features Broadcast and studio sound quality Rugged reinforced ABS construction Two step high-pass filter - flat or 80 Hz Intergrated shock mount 9 V battery operation Condenser transducer Low noise circuitry Low handling noise Includes windscreen Integrated camera-shoe mount AmericanMusical com is an authorized dealer of Rode products.

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Audio clips - 10 Easy Tips

!9# Audio clips - 10 Easy Tips

[if ]

Movies are a visual version, but most filmmakers focus exclusively on the visual part. They tend to forget that without good audio quality of the movie pretty loose its effect?

It would create one of your scenes, horror and terror, or tickle, without the score of the far right! Some of you may think that just happens - like magic - but the message is that nothing comes to making movies like a charm!

For a good sound effect, you need a qualifiedaudiophile - a professional who loves the booming sounds of some desirable and undesirable, with a microphone all day long handle.

You should know that almost all the cameras built-in microphone that delivered all the dialogue and other sounds recorded during the filming, but this is a microphone is of poor quality. So, ultimately, every director ends collaboration with some external microphones.

Here are some tips to better understand the external microphone to improve audio quality andThe movie:

1 Look up an expert in the field of technical requirements through all that would bring.

2 If you're planning a lower budget, try to work with a friend who is a fresh field. Could inexperienced. But a well-trained young talent works wonders at times better than previously experienced.

3 Investing in at least two good quality microphone at a distance that is necessary to synchronize with the camera. Do your players this remote microphones worn on his body.To work well, you have to place them correctly.

4 The positioning of the microphone is quite difficult, but if you know the right way, there's just another day at work for you. She has expanded the fist with the thumb and little finger, just like the ol 'sign hanging free hand for prolonged use. Now place your thumb under the chin of the actor. Now that your little finger extended ends, is where you place the microphone. This means that the microphone close enough to capture the sound good, but veryPop enough of the actor's mouth, preventing and hissing.

5 For the group scenes, a microphone with a boom is just exceptional. Music lovers have a real hard job to be run over several days to a boom. But these professionals are the same training and are very passionate about it.

Done 6 after the recording and the recording will sound at the same time, these sounds are again performed in the studio. Here the director changes the sound to match withimages. Unlike the old days of cinema, filmmakers now have the "non-linear systems, non-linear editing sounds." In the vernacular, this technology is known as the non-linear editing - allowing you, the audio clip Back & Forth move into the video itself.

7 The sound effects and soundtrack of life and mood for the film. It 's always advisable to create original music for the film, rather than copying from, where some others. With recorded music could lead to big legal problemsthat would be connected to the film in post production only.

8 copyright laws may be very strict and made me sick to think that cost too much. Remember, all that any other artist / s, or their agent / s, if they have a right to property is the music played, no one can be the same without their written permission. There are several ways around this law, but not so many and not so easy.

9 You can only music that is in the public domain.You can only play the music or picture without the same properties, that there is no person / s or organization / s is to take possession of this music or images.

10 For original work, it's always good to hire a professional. To contribute to economic development and work more comfortable trying to work with a fresher or a friend who is talented enough to compose interesting effects and soundtracks. These days there are many aspiring composers and musicians in search of aPossibility for a film to exhibit their talents and works of art.

Audio clips - 10 Easy Tips

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